Annual General Meeting of 2020 – CHANGE!


Sárszentmihály, Árpád u. 1, 8143 Magyarország

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MASTERPLAST Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság (seat: 8143 Sárszentmihály, Árpád utca 1/A., company registration number: Cg. 07-10-001342; hereinafter referred to as „Company”) hereby informs its honorable Investors that the Annual General Meeting convened for 23 April 2020 to the seat of the Company will not be held. The condition of the holding the General Meeting had been a future change in legislation which makes possible the shareholders’ presence in person.

While the prohibitions in force at the time of convening the General Meeting are still in force now, according to the Government Decree 102/2020. (IV.10.) on different provisions for the operation of personal and property unifying organizations in the event of state of emergency (hereinafter referred to as “Government Decree”) Section 2. § paragraph (1) in the absence of any exemption on all issues on the agenda published in the invitation to the General Meeting according to the Section 5. paragraph (1) and Section 9. paragraph (1), (2) and (5) the Board of Directors of the Company is entitled and obliged to make decisions. The Board of Directors is obliged to decide on the Company’s annual report in accordance with the Accounting Act by 30 April 2020. The Board of Directors may decide on issues on the published agenda differently from the published proposals for resolutions.


In accordance with the above, the Board of Directors of the Company decides on the issues on the agenda indicated in the invitation of the General Meeting published on 23 March 2020 on the basis of the authorization of the Government Decree.


The resolutions of the Board of Directors made within the competence of the General Meeting shall be published in accordance with the rules on the publication of resolutions of the General Meeting.


According to the Government Decree within a limitation period of 30 days after the termination of the state of emergency, a group of shareholders representing at least 1 % of the voting rights may request to convene the General Meeting for the purpose of subsequent approval of those resolutions made by the Board of Directors within the competence of the General Meeting during the state of emergency with the exception of decision on annual report and the decision of the distribution of profit after taxation. For the subsequent approval of the decision on annual report and for decision of the distribution of profit after taxation. The shareholders shall have the right to request to convene the General Meeting in the latter two issues till 31 May 2020.

Failure to meet this deadline, including if the shareholders request is not received by the Company by the last day of the deadline, will result in forfeiture.

In case of initiating the convening of the General Meeting, the invitation to the General Meeting shall be published within 45 days after the termination of the state of emergency, if the state of emergency has already ceased upon receipt of the shareholder’s request, within 45 days of receiving the shareholder’s request.


If the period between the cessation of the state of emergency and 1 April of the following calendar year is less than 180 days, it is not possible to convene a General Meeting as described above. But the General Meeting resolutions made by the Board of Directors during the period of the state of emergency may be put on the agenda at the next general meeting for subsequent approval.


The Company remains committed to complying with applicable laws and conduct in respect to the coronavirus epidemic and will use its best endeavors to ensure that appropriate information is available to honorable Shareholders.