Masterplast in the Growth Debenture Programme

Masterplast also takes part in the Growth Debenture Programme of the Hungarian National Bank. The company might issue bonds in the value of HUF 6 billion in this year that corresponds to the requirement of credit ratings and its bonds were rated as B+ by Scope Ratings.

The debenture programme of the Hungarian National Bank was launched in July, one of the criteria of the participation was to get at least B+ credit rating from a credit rating agency. Scope Ratings performs the credit ratings of companies planning the bond issue one after another, as a new company the credit quality of Masterplast has also arrived as a premium listed company on the stock exchange.


Masterplast got a B+ credit rating from Scope Ratings with stable prospect, and the listing of company’s bound were also rated as B+, fulfilling the requirements of HNB to take part in the Growth Debenture Programme.


Among the advantages, Scope highlights that the leverage ratio of Masterplast is relative low, the debts of company / EBITDA is relative low, according to the calculations of credit rating, it is between 3,5-4 (calculating with the numbers of last year the value is 3,7). According to the calculations of Scope, the leverage ratio of Masterplast might stay low in the upcoming years, with the support of increase in turnover and stable margins the EBITDA might continue to grow in the following period, while the debt might stay stable.

On the other hand, there are sounds created by machines from algorithms that can promote concentration: different types of noise have been constructed and their effects studied. For example, “white noise” seems to help newborns fall asleep. The “pink noises” or “brown noises” can enter a bubble, and they really promote concentration. They have a good effect on people with attention disorders or tinnitus. And you, personally: do you listen to music while working. “In general, either I do not listen to music, or when I need to pay someone to write my essay and I want to isolate myself I listen to a” brown noise “. It sounds a bit like a vacuum cleaner or a distant storm and it’s very monotonous: so, as the banal bores the brain, you end up forgetting it and no longer hear it. But on the other hand, this noise has the merit of sifting the sound of the environment, and to make less salient bursts of the voice of my dear neighbors. So I use these sounds and I highly recommend them to students who have to work in noisy environments. In the same vein, there is a free mobile app (“Rain Sounds”) that generates sounds mimicking the rain’s rain. These are all monotone sounds that have the property of creating a protective bubble favorable to concentration. I mention it on my blog in a note on music that can improve cognitive performance.


Masterplast might issue bonds in the value of HUF 6 billion in the forth quarter and the resources received after this will be used to reimburse the company’s short-dated debts.

Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 201,8 million euros in 2022.