Roofing foils and health care industry in the new Masterplast unit

(Press release - 05.06.2020) - In the framework of the investment aid scheme for large enterprises, state aids help the development of the Hungarian manufacturer.

Masterplast can reach higher levels by German acquisition

(Press release - 12.03.2020.) - The technology is appropriate for the production of membranes for medical applications.

Masterplast is starting a new manufacture

(Press release - 09/12/2019) Masterplast announced to start a new manufacture on its yearly investor disclosure. The new plant established in Sarszentmihaly is capable of producing 30 million square meters high quality o...

Masterplast acquired a share in a polystyrene manufacturing company

MASTERPLAST Public Company (8143 Sárszentmihály, Árpád u. 1/A.) informs its honoured Investors that on 3 June 2019 it acquired 24% ownership in T-CELL Plasztik Company with Limited Liability. The main activity of T-CELL ...